Sunday, January 25, 2009

Afternoon Delight Polish Style: My Pierogi Adventure!

So I've had nagging hunger pangs all afternoon but i could not figure out what cuisine to pursue on this dark winter evening.  O yea, I have been bored out of my mind watching milk curdle too. Paul Nahm and i were talking 2nd Ave Deli delights, he said he wanted pierogi and boom, my afternoon bloomed into life.  Simmered waxy potatoes, lovely fried onions, and sweetly rendered garlic all matured into my heavenly, fluffy filling.  Hey, whats the first step in making dill bread? Make a dill dough.  Luckily, i needed pierogi wrappers, not an herby bread, so after consulting a couple dozen different recipes online, both traditional and contemporary, i ballparked the ratio of flour, water, eggs, and buttermilk and mixed it all together.  The dough, sort of a cousin to pasta, formed in about 5 mins of kneading and after a 30 minute rest, time to pierogi!  While i was cleaning up, i took one of the potato shells, diced up some scrap potato, mixed in some garlic and some paneer cheese from my previous post and 20 mins later, walla, my awesome twice baked spud.  Gluten-relaxing break over, i twisted up a few beauties, boiled them for about 5 mins, drained, into a butter-laden fry pan, and doneski.  Finish with a bit of rock salt and a little cracked pepper.  So so so good, forget about restaurant pierogi, they suck compared to mine.   

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